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The purpose of this policy is to reassure and inform you. We want to reassure you that we’re taking Coronavirus seriously and inform you of our approach and the procedures we have put in place. We also want to remind you that whilst we all need to take sensible precautions, there is no need to be overly worried about Coronavirus; the likelihood of infection is still low and, for the vast majority, the illness is not serious. The information below is intended for all members of ECF Manor Park. 


Our policy

We’re following the government’s advice about Coronavirus which is published on the Public Health England website (see the links below). This website contains advice about how to protect yourself and others and we would encourage you to look at this information and follow the advice. At present, ECF MP is operating ‘ as usual’, all meetings and services  are taking place. This will only change if government advice changes or we experience a Coronavirus related problem. If this happens, we will update and republish this policy. If it becomes necessary to close the building or cancel meetings, we will inform church members as quickly as possible.


How you can help:

Read and follow the advice on the Public Health England website (see link below). If you experience any potential Coronavirus symptoms. You should follow the advice on the Public Health England website (see link below) which, at the time of writing, is to contact the NHS 111 Helpline and to avoid contact with others.


If you have recently been in contact with someone who has Coronavirus or if you have attended ECF and subsequently discover that you, or someone else you have met with, has come into contact with Coronavirus please let us know immediately. If this applies to you, we recommend you follow the Government protocol and self isolate for 14 days



Links and contact details - Public Health England website:


ECF Coronavirus policy:

Version 1.0 14th March 2020

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